Monday Motivation!!

Monday Motivation.

First I want to start off by saying a Hello and Happy Labor day! Also I am praying for those in the path of Hurricane Dorian.

This morning marks my first week out of school, and I find myself in a reflective state. I recall picking myself up several times after what I like to call “mini failures” and questioning if I had made a huge mistake. Looking back and realizing how much favor god has placed over my life, people he’s put in my life and those he has removed. I have seen so much change over this time and I’ll admit I didn’t understand it at the time but sitting in today, I totally get it. I had this grand plan of how my time being a full-time student would work, and I mean I had every detail worked out. But as the saying goes; “if you want to make god laugh, make a plan.” So I say all of this to encourage everyone who reads this to keep pushing through. Even when you feel like the light at the end of the tunnel isn’t there, just know that every obstacle you face will shape you for what is to come.

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Xo Tanasia.

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