Fight Negativity

Monday Motivation

Today during my morning drive, I found myself having a variety of emotions. I was angry at other drivers, most call it road range lol. At the same time I was stressing out over everything I need to do this week. I made my weekly todo list yesterday but, I still felt completely overwhelmed thinking about the long week I have ahead of me. I started to go into this negative tailwind of emotions and the next thing I know, I’m having a bad morning. I honestly tried to find anyone to blame, but it was me. It was all me, I had to check myself before I wrecked myself.

But this whole incident got me thinking, how many times do we set ourselves up to have a horrible day. For me I know it’s too many to count, so I promised myself I will do better. Instead of focusing on everything as a whole, focus on one task at a time. Take your week step by step, don’t get into your own head. YOU’VE TOTALLY GOT THIS!!!


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